Our Vision
Menstruation marginalizes girls and deprives them their right to go to school.
This is just not ok.
Imagine that a simple menstrual protection can be the difference between completing your schooling or, in the worst case scenario, being forced to drop out. How is it that the blood that is the prerequisite for childbirth can be filled with so much shame and taboo? To menstruate is not a choice but an innate function. No one should be discriminated against and deprived of their rights because of this.
Flow Girl wants to be part of the change.
Our goals
Everyone with a uterus should be able to go to school when they are menstruating.
Children and youths should be educated on how their bodies work.
We want to contribute to a society free from menstruation taboo.
Boys should be included in education about puberty and menstruation.
We want to be involved in ensuring that this becomes a reality by supporting existing grassroots organizations in Kenya that work with these issues.
We want to increase knowledge about this issue in Sweden so that more people get a chance to engage and influence this important work.